Sunday, January 8, 2012

I don't want THAT kind of bachelorette party...

Considering there's 475 days until our wedding (see the new countdown on the right??), we have quite a bit done. We have the venue and photographer booked, and we've asked our officiant to marry us. While we have a ton more to do (caterer, cake, rentals, attire, decorations), I think we're in a good place considering how far out we are. So good that I should probably stop wedding planning for a few months. While I have been cutting back on wedding related things, I couldn't resist going to The Greater Virginia Bridal Show with my BFF, and would be MOH, Cara.

These bridal shows are kind of ridiculous (if these generalizations can be made for all bridal shows). They are crowded and stuffy. There is food and cake everywhere (can't wait for THAT conversation with Carlos). People in wedding dresses are walking around.  Saleswomen assault you with toys and lotions for "those kind of bachelorette parties". You see at least 4 girls you knew in high school, and awkwardly avoid them. It was an experience!

I really didn't expect to find any vendors, especially given the point we are at in our planning. I did end up with some cards I will refer back to when the time is right, and I definitely enjoyed hanging out with Cara, so ultimately I'm really glad we went.

PLUS I got this really snazzy bracelet!

I am definitely wearing this at every wedding related appointment going forward.

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